Sodo Christian Hospital Orthopedic Clinic
Sodo Christian Hospital Orthopedic clinic is located inside SCH compound and provides orthopedic clinical services for patients coming from all over Ethiopia
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Welcome to Soddo Christian Hospital Orthopedic Clinic
Sodo Christian Hospital Orthopedic Clinic is located inside SCH compound and provides orthopedic clinical services for patients coming from all over Ethiopia and shares the vision, mission and value statement of Sodo Christian hospital.
To provide excellent medical services to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples.
– To provide high quality and compassionate health care for those in need in the Horn of Africa.
– To share the love and message of Christ through evangelism and ongoing discipleship with patients, their families, and staff.
– To equip Africans to be outstanding medical providers through on-site training and external educational opportunities
– To engage with our local community to promote Christ’s love and respect for human dignity
Core Values
– Honesty
– Excellence
– Attitude
– Responsibility
– Teamwork
Our Services
Trauma Cases
Dislocations, fractures, breaks, sprains, hernia, impingement, injuries etc..
Joint Replacements
Hip and knee replacement
Congenital Deformity Corrections
Prosthetics (artificial limbs), Orthotics (splints or braces) Surgery, Rehabilitation (physical or occupational therapy) etc..
Acces Patient Panel
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By signing in to your profile you can view your past appointments as treatment history and view other informations.
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Our Doctors
Four experianced senior doctors and more than 10 resident doctors.
Dr. Duane Ray Anderson (MD)
17 years of private practices in USA, 17 years of private practices in SCH

Dr. David Selbach
experiences in orthopedic surgery at SCH

Dr. Temesgen Zelalem (MD,FCS)
18 Months of experiance in orthopedic surgery at SCH

Dr. Tadesse Esayas (MD)
More than 5 years of private practices at various organization
Contact Us
Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia
Behind Gutara Meeting Hall
+(251) 46-180-0083